Thursday 14 January 2010

The grass is always greener?

or maybe I should call this becareful for what you wish for! I technically should be living my dream and on paper I am. I have given up my job, rented out the house, given away my car and my beloved cats, moved country...make that continents to fulfill a life times wish of living and working abroad. So what's the problem I hear you cry, exactly what is my problem. I am lonely- pure and simple. I know no-one here and don't have a job to meet people let alone make them my friends. The better half (BH- as he shall now be known as) is working all day and has meet lots of nice people - so lets share I think. Wrong, he isn't the social Diva I would like to be and prefers to sit in at night with me and a bottle of wine watching TV box sets. When we lived in the UK, this would have been just wonderful and after a very hetic day of teaching I would look forward to this, but now I spend ALL day inside - I want out!!

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