Friday 29 January 2010

visit to the Dentist

well I did survive my ordeal at the dentist, BH has been to him a couple of times and is totally in love with him, he is very nice and friendly but I think the BH has gone a little over board by being in love with him but oh well. The Dentist found it hilarious that the BH and I are having identical treatments, " that must mean you are a proper pair"... pair of what I didnt like to ask!!! so we are having matching root canals!! I tell you life just can't get more exciting over here!! it was a very weird experience going to a dentist in a foreign country, they do some odd things here, like make you rinse (or as he says in wince - which caused much confusion to start with!!) every two seconds then he anesthetized what felt like my entire left side - no mean feat I can tell you!! and then put what only can be described as a weird rubber condom tent over my mouth to perform his root canaling - there were points when I thought I was going to suffocate - luckily the dentist was on hand with some very helpful hints - like breath through your nose - genius!!! after an hour and half he released me - but not before I had to wince! with no feeling in my face and dribble coming down the side of my mouth - very sexy as you can imagine, I tried to thank him but it just came out as a wank you!! he looked at me strangely and gave me some welly strong painkillers (which little did I know then would come in very handy later on in the story) so I thought what to do with the rest of my day luckily the husband of one of the BH's colleagues wasnt working so we decided to have a pint... which at 11am is NEVER a good idea, especially with a half anesthetized body..... and to cut a long story short the BH and the man's wife came to collect us at 4pm which should have been the point when I went home to bed but no, we then thought it would be an even better idea to carry on drinking .... so this morning when I woke up with a very sore head I spotted the WELLY strong painkillers and bingo no headache, although I do feel a little high now - so I have no idea if the tooth is in pain because hell I can't feel a thing!!! so that was my extremely exciting friday, it was certainly better than teaching two yr7 groups back to back!!

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